Easyblock Case
>> General characteristics |
Input/Output connection: | |
Select finished color: | |
CR type cables: |
>> Module configuration |
Protection: | |
No. of standard power sockets: | |
No. of UPS power sockets: | |
Plug type | |
No. of modules with USB charger: |
No. of multimedia modules with VGA connector: | |
No. of multimedia modules with female HDMI connector: | |
No. of multimedia boards with 3.5 mm minijack: | |
Multimedia female USB board: | |
No. of connectors for voice/data (*):: | |
Brand of the voice/data connector to be used (*): | |
For double plates, please consult brand compatibility (*) Connector is not included unless expressly indicated. |
No. of Cat6A UTP data patchcords: | |
Length of Cat6A UTP data patchcords: | |
No. of modules with 45x45 blind modules: |